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Por: Luis Diego Gatgens Publicado: 4/06/2021Última modificación 11/11/2021 Hora: 9:29 am
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- Publicaciones 2021
- Publicaciones 2020
- Publicaciones 2019
Aguilar-Bartels, C., Quirós-Segura, P. , García-Piñeres, A.J., Gatica-Arias, A., Arrieta-Espinoza, G. 2021 Aspectos clave para la transformación genética de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) subespecie indica mediante Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2021 32(3): 764-778. DOI 10.15517/am.v32i3.44978. https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/agromeso/article/view/44978
Rojas-Gómez, M., García-Piñeres, A., Bolaños-Villegas, P., Arrieta-Espinoza, G., & Fuchs, E. J. 2021 Genome size and chromosome number of Psidium friedrichsthalianum (O. Berg) Nied (“Cas”) in six populations of Costa Rica. Caryologia. International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics, 73(3). https://doi.org/10.13128/caryologia-646
Alvarado, G.; Stiles, F.G.; Albertazzi, F.J. 2021. Phylogenetic relationships of the endemic hummingbird Amazilia boucardi (Mulsant 1877) (Apodiformes: Trochilidae) from Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. Submitted.
Molina-Mora, J.A., Montero-Manso, P., García-Batán, R., Campos-Sánchez R., Vilar-Fernández, J., García F. A first perturbome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Identification of core genes related to multiple perturbations by a machine learning approach. Biosystems 2021; 205, July 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2021.104411
ROJAS G., SILVA S., 2021: ¿Es la proteína C reactiva un indicador de riesgo periodontal? -ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dental Sc.
Nikolopoulos, G., Smith, C. E. L., Poulter, J. A., Murillo, G., Silva, S., Lamb, T., Berry, I. R., Brown, C. J., Day, P. F., Soldani, F., AlBahlani, S., Harris, S. A., O’Connell, M. J., Inglehearn, C. F., & Mighell, A. J. (2021). Spectrum of pathogenic variants and founder effects in amelogenesis imperfecta associated with MMP20. Human Mutation,1–10. https://doi.org/10.1002/humu.24187
Chacón-Rojas, R.; Barboza-Barquero, L.; Albertazzi, F.J.; Rivera-Mendez, W. 2020. Transcription factors controlling biotic stress response in potato plants. Physiol. And Molec. Plant Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2020.101527
Hilje-Rodriguez, I.; Albertazzi, F.J.; Rivera-Coto, G.; Molina-Bravo, R. 2020. A multiplex qPCR TaqMan-assay to detect fungal antagonism between Trichoderma atroviride (Hypocreaceae) and Botrytis cinerea (Sclerotiniaceae) in blackberry fruits using a de novo tef1-α- and an IGS-sequence based probes. Biotecnol. Rep. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.btre.2020.e00447.
Molina-Mora, J.A., Chinchilla-Montero, D., Chavarría-Azofeifa, M., Ulloa-Morales A.J., Campos-Sánchez R., Mora-Rodríguez R., Shi L, García F. Transcriptomic determinants of the response of ST-111 Pseudomonas aeruginosa AG1 to ciprofloxacin identified by a top-down systems biology approach. Sci Rep 2020; 10: 13717. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70581-2
Vegesna R., Tomaszkiewicz M., Ryder O.A., Campos-Sánchez R., Medvedev P., DeGiorgio M., Makova K.D. Ampliconic Genes on the Great Ape Y Chromosomes: Rapid Evolution of Copy Number but Conservation of Expression Levels. Genome Biology and Evolution 2020; 12 (6): 842–859, https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evaa088
Molina-Mora J.A, Campos-Sánchez R, Rodríguez C, Shi L, García F. High quality 3C de novo assembly and annotation of a multidrug resistant ST-111 Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome: Benchmark of hybrid and non-hybrid assemblers. Scientific Reports 2020; 10 (1): 1-16.
R. M. Castro-Vásquez, S. Hernández-Villalobos, M. Montero-Astúa, A. Vargas-Martínez, A. González-Herrera & R. Molina-Bravo. 2020. Identification and molecular characterization of fifteen tropical isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium. Biocontrol Science & Technology. doi. 10.1080/09583157.2020.1732296.
- Publicaciones 2018
- Publicaciones 2017
- Publicaciones 2016
Pagani, L.,Clair, P.A.S., Teshiba, T.M., Fears, S.C., Araya, C., Araya, X., Bejarano, J., Ramirez, M., Castrillón, G., Gomez-Makhinson, J., Lopez, M.C., Gabriel Montoya, G., Montoya, C.P., Aldana, I., Navarro, L., Freimer, D.G., et al. 2016. Genetic contributions to circadian activity rhythm and sleep pattern phenotypes in pedigrees segregating for severe bipolar disorder. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113: E754-E761, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1513525113
- Publicaciones 2015
- Publicaciones 2014
- Publicaciones 2013
Molina-Bravo, R., Stephes-Cárdenas, S.A., Hilje Rodríguez, I., Blanco-Vargas M., Villalobos-Navarro, D., Gatjens Boniche, O., Moreira, L. & Villalobos-Muller W. 2015. Citrus Huanlongbing Associated with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus Present in the Northern Region of Costa Rica but has not been detected in order citrus-growing Areas. Plant Disease, PDIS-05. First look on line octubre de 2015.
Rojas, L., Olmedo, H., García-Piñeres, A.J., Silveira, C, Tasic, L., Fraga, F & Montero, M.L. 2015. Simple route for nano-hydroxyapatite propierties expansion. Mat. 10: 055015 http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-605X/10/5/055015.
Solís-Ramos, L.Y., Valdez-Melara, M.,Alvarado-Barrantes, R., Mora-Umaña, F., Hernández-Jiménez, E., Barboza-Vargas, N., Ramirez-Fonseca, P. 2015. Effect of gamma irradiation and selection with fungus filtrate (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn) on the in vitro culture of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). J. of Plant Sci. 6:2672. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ajps.2015.
Dupuy, O.L., Bonilla Vargas, J.A., Murillo, R., Taylor, P., Abad, M.J., González, L.I., Otero, O. & Juliao, J. 2015. In vitro evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of compounds from the plants Casearia sylvestris and Zanthoxylum monophyllum. Cancer Res. 4:114. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-2279.2015.04.03.2.
Cheng, K., Rong, X., Pinto-Tómas, A.A., Fernández-Villalobos, M., Murillo-Cruz, C. & Huang, Y. 2015. Population Genetic Analysis of Streptomyces albidoflavus Reveals Habitat Barriers to Homologous Recombination in the Diversification of Streptomycetes. Environ. Microb. 81: 966. http://aem.asm.org/content/early/2014/11/17/AEM.02925-14.
Gonzalez, R., Gonzalez, S., Villa, E., Ramirez, M., Zavala, J., Armas, R., Contreras, J., Dassori, A., Leach, R.J., Flores, D., Jerez, A., Raventós, H., Ontiveros, A., Nicolini, H. & Escamilla, M. 2015 Identification of circadian gene variants in bipolar disorder in Latino populations. J Affect Disord. 186: 367. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2015.07.014.
Poulter, A., Smith, C.E.L., Murillo, G., Silva, S., Feather, S., Howell. M., Crinnion, L., Bonthron, D.T., Carr, I.M., Watson, Ch.M., Inglehearn, Ch.F. & Mighell, A.J. 2015. A distinctive oral phenotype points to FAM20A mutations not identified by Sanger sequencing. Genet. & Genom. Med. 3: 543. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mgg3.164/abstract.
Fuchs, E.J., Martínez, A.M., Calvo, A., Muñoz, M., & Arrieta-Espinoza, G. 2015. Genetic structure of Oryza glumaepatula wild rice populations and evidence of introgression from sativa in Costa Rica (No. e1339). PeerJ PrePrints 1095v1.
Villalobos-Barrantes, H. M., García, E.G., Lowe , A.J. & Albertazzi, F.J. 2015. Genetic analysis of the dry forest timber tree Sideroxylon capiri in Costa Rica using AFLP. Plant Syst. Evol. 301:15-23.
Fears, S.C., Schür, R., Sjouwerman, R., Service, S.K., Araya, C., Araya, X., Bejarano, J., Knowles, E., Gomez-Makhinson, J., Lopez, M.C., Aldana, I., Teshiba, T.M., Abaryan, Z., Al-Sharif, N.B., Navarro, L., Tishler, T.A., Altshuler, L., Bartzokis, G., Escobar, J.I., Glahn, D.C., Thompson, P.M., Lopez-Jaramillo, C., Macaya, G., Molina, J., Reus, V.I., Sabatti, Ch., Cantor, R.M., Freimer, N.B., Bearden, C.E. 2015. Brain structure-function associations in multi-generational families genetically enriched for bipolar disorder. Brain 138(7): 2087-2102 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/brain/awv106.
Peterson, C., Service, S., Jasinska, A., Gao, F., Zelaya, I., Teshiba, T. M., Bearden, C., Reus, V.I., Macaya, G., López-Jaramillo, C., Bogomolov, M., Benjamini, Y., Eskin, E., Coppola, G., Freimer, N.B. & Sabatti, C. 2015. Characterization of expression quantitative trait loci in extensively phenotyped pedigrees ascertained for bipolar disorder. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/031427.
Camacho, M., Arauz, K., Barboza, N., Martínez, H., Arias, J. 2015. Characterization of the producers of organic vegetables distributed in the greater metropolitan area (GAM), Costa Rica. Agronomía Costarricense. 32 (2):131-142.
Begomovirus de importancia económica que pueden encontrarse en ambientes protegidos Natalia Barboza http://www.grupocerca.com/nuestrasrevistas/productor-agropecuario/.
Begomovirus en ambientes protegidos. Natalia Barboza http://www.grupocerca.com/nuestrasrevistas/productor-agropecuario/.
Bemisia tabaci: vector del virus TYLCV. Natalia Barboza.
Alberti, G.; de Andrade ,D., Garita, L.C. & Kitajima, E.W. 2014 Digestive system. In: Alberti, G. & Kitajima, E. W. (eds.): Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) – economically important plant-virus vectors. Zoologica 160: 67-94.
Barboza, N., Blanco-Meneses, M., Hallwas, M., Moriones, E. & Nagata, A. 2014. First Report of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Tomato in Costa Rica. Plant Dis. 98: 699-699.
Barboza-Vargas, N. & Hernández, E. 2014. Técnicas moleculares. Pag. 45-71. In. Caracterización, epidemiología y manejo del complejo moscas blancas-virus en sistemas hortícolas de Costa Rica. EUNED. 73p. ISBN 978-9968-48-010-9
Barboza-Vargas, N., Castro, R., Solórzano, A., Vargas, J.A. & Ramírez, P. 2014. Virus transmitidos por moscas blancas en Costa Rica. 15-28. In. Caracterización, epidemiología y manejo del complejo moscas blancas-virus en sistemas hortícolas de Costa Rica. EUNED. 73p. ISBN 978-9968-48-010-9
Carmiol, N., Peralta, J.M., Almasy, L., Contreras, J., Pacheco, A., Escamilla, M.A, Knowles, E.E.M., Raventós, H. & Glahn, D.C. 2014. Shared genetic factors influence risk for bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorders. Psychiatry 29: 282-287
Contreras, J., Raventós, H., Rodríguez, G. & Leandro, M. 2014. Call for a change in research funding priorities: the example of mental health in Costa Rica. Panam. Salud Pública 36: 266-269.
Contreras-Rojas, J. & Raventós-Vorst, H. 2014. Caracterización clínica de familias costarricenses con trastorno afectivo bipolar. Acta Méd. Costarricense 56: 167-173.
Elizondo-Wallace, D.E., Vargas Asensio, J.G. & Pinto-Tomás, A.A. 2014. Correlation between virulence and genetic structure of Escovopsis strains from leaf cutting ant colonies in Costa Rica. Microbiology 160:1727-1736
Fears, S.C., Service, S.K., Kremeyer, B., Araya, C.; Araya, X., Bejarano, J., Ramirez, M., Castrillón, G., Gomez-Franco, J., Lopez, M.C., Montoya, G., Montoya, P., Aldana, I., Teshiba, T. M., Abaryan, Z., Al-Sharif, N.B., Ericson, M., Duque, M., Jalbrzikowski, Luykx, J.J., Navarro, L., Tishler, T.A., Altshuler, L., Bartzokis, G., Escobar, J., Glahn, D.C., Ospina, J., Risch, N., Ruiz-Linares, A., Thompson, P.M., Cantor, R.M., Lopez-Jaramillo, C., Macaya, G., Molina, J., Reus, V.I., Sabatti, C., Freimer, N.B. & Bearden, C.E. 2014. Multisystem Component Phenotypes of Bipolar Disorder for Genetic Investigations of Extended Pedigrees. JAMA Psychiatry 71: 375-387
Garita, L.C., A.D. Tassi, R.F. Calegario, J. Freitas-Astúa, R.B. Salaroli, G.O. Romão & E.W. Kitajima. Experimental host range of Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C). Trop. Plant Pathol. 39:43-55
Glahn, D.C., E.E.M. Knowles, D.R. McKay, E. Sprooten, H. Raventós, J. Blangero, I.I. Gottesman & L. Almasy. 2014. Arguments for the sake of endophenotypes: examining common misconceptions about the use of endophenotypes in psychiatric genetics. J. Med. Genet .165:122-130.
Gonzalez, S., C. Camarillo, M. Rodriguez, M. Ramirez, J. Zavala, R. Armas, S.A. Contreras, J. Contreras, A. Dassori, L. Almasy, D. Flores, A. Jerez, Raventós, A. Ontiveros, H. Nicolini & M. Escamilla. 2014. A genome-wide linkage scan of bipolar disorder in Latino families identifies susceptibility loci at 8q24 and 14q32. Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 165: 479-491.
Hernández, E., J.A. Guevara, J.A. Vargas & P. Ramírez. 2014. Moscas blancas como vectores de virus en Costa Rica. p29-44. In. Caracterización, epidemiología y manejo del complejo moscas blancas-virus en sistemas hortícolas de Costa Rica. EUNED. 73p. ISBN 978-9968-48-010-9
Landers, C., D. Fowle, A. Taunton, W. Hernández, M. Mora, D. Moore, H. Shinogle & J. Roberts. 2014. Silicate dissolution in Las Pailas Thermal Field: Implications for microbiol wheathering in acidic volcanic hydrotermal spring Systems. Geomicrobiol J 31: 23-41.
Lang Kuhs KA, Gonzalez P, Rodriguez AC, van Doorn LJ, Schiffman M, Struijk L, Chen S, Quint W, Lowy DR, Porras C, DelVecchio C, Jimenez S, Safaeian M, Schiller JT, Wacholder S, Herrero R, Hildesheim A, Kreimer AR; Costa Rica Vaccine Trial Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M. Bratti, F. Cardenas, B. Cortes, A. Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. Gonzalez, D. Guillen, R. Herrero, S.E. Jimenez, J. Morales, L. Villegas, L.A. Morera, E. Perez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodriguez, L. Rivas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, A. Garcia-Pineres, S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramirez, A. Hildesheim, A.R. Kreimer, D.R. Lowy, N. Macklin, M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn. Reduced Prevalence of Vulvar HPV16/18 Infection Among Women Who Received the HPV16/18 Bivalent Vaccine: A Nested Analysis Within the Costa Rica Vaccine Trial. J Infect Dis. 210:1890-1899.
Lang Kuhs, K.A., C. Porras, J.T. Schiller, A.C. Rodriguez , M. Schiffman , P. Gonzalez, Wacholder, A. Ghosh, Y. Li , D.R. Lowy, A.R. Kreimer, S. Poncelet, J. Schussler, W. Quint, L.J. Van Doorn, M.E. Sherman, M. Sidawy, R. Herrero, A. Hildesheim, M. Safaeian; Costa Rica Vaccine Trial Group (M. Alfaro , M. Barrantes , M.C. Bratti , F. Cárdenas , B. Cortés , A. Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. González, D. Guillén, R. Herrero, S.E. Jiménez , J. Morales, L. Villegas, L.A. Morera, E. Pérez, C. Porras, A.C Rodríguez, L. Rivas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, A. García-Piñeres, S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, A. Hildesheim, A.R. Kreimer, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. Van Doorn. 2014. Effect of different human papillomavirus serological and DNA criteria on vaccine efficacy estimates. Am. J. Epidemiol. 180:599-607
Larson, H.K., S.K. Goffredi, E.L. Parra, O. Vargas, A.A. Pinto-Tomas & T.P. McGlynn. 2014. Distribution and dietary regulation of an associated facultative Rhizobiales-related bacterium in the omnivorous giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata. Naturwissenschaften 101: 397-406.
Marballi, K. K., R.E. McCullumsmith, S. Yates, M.A. Escamilla, R.J. Leach, H. Raventos & C. Walss-Bass. 2014. Global signaling effects of a schizophrenia-associated missense mutation in neuregulin 1: an exploratory study using whole genome and novel kinome approaches. Neural Transm. 121: 479-490.
Marsh, S.E., M. Poulsen, A. Pinto-Tomás& C.R. Currie. Interaction between workers during a short time window is required for bacterial symbiont transmission in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants. PLoS One 9:e103269.
Montero-Astúa, M., D. Rotenberg, A. Leach-Kieffaber, B. A. Schneweis, S. Park, J.K. Park, T.L. German & A.E. Whitfield. 2014. Disruption of Vector Transmission by a Plant-Expressed Viral Glycoprotein. Plant Microbe Interact. 27: 296-304.
Mora- Umaña, F. & F. Marín Thiele. 2014. Consideraciones sobre agricultura protegida del chile dulce y tomate. P1-14. In. Caracterización, epidemiología y manejo del complejo moscas blancas-virus en sistemas hortícolas de Costa Rica. EUNED. 73p. ISBN 978-9968-48-010-9
Nunney, L., B. Ortiz, S.A. Russell, R. Ruiz-Sánchez & R. Stouthamer. 2014. The Complex Biogeography of the Plant Pathogen Xylella fastidiosa: Genetic Evidence of Introductions and Subspecific Introgression in Central America. PloS ONE 9:e112463.
Poulter, J.A., G. Murillo, S.J. Brookes, C.E. Smith, D.A. Parry, S. Silva, J. Kirkham, C.F. Inglehearn & A.J. Mighell. 2014. Deletion of ameloblastin exon 6 is associated with amelogenesis imperfecta. Mol. Genetics 23:5317-5324.
Valerio, D., H. Raventos, J. Schmeidler, M.S. Beeri, L. Mora-Villalobos, P. Bolaños-Palmieri, J.R. Carrión-Baralt, J. Fornaguera & J.M. Silverman. Association of Apolipoprotein E-e4 and Dementia Declines with Age. Am. J. Geriatr. Psychiatry 22: 957-960
Bonilla, J.A., Macaya & S.M Silva. 2013. Bornavirus y enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas: Primer reporte de Costa Rica, América Central. Editorial Académica Española. 64 p. ISBN-13: 978-3659062551
Campos-Sánchez, R., H. Raventós & R. Barrantes. Ancestry Informative Markers Clarify the Regional Admixture Variation in the Costa Rican Population. Hum Biol 85:721-740.
Castro, R.M, L. Moreira, M.R. Rojas, R.L. Gilbertson, E. Hernández, F. Mora & P. Ramírez. Occurrence of Squash yellow mild mottle virus and Pepper golden mosaic virus in Potential New Hosts in Costa Rica. Plant Pathol. J. 29: 285-293
Clarke, M., M. Schiffman, S. Wacholder, A.C. Rodriguez, A. Hildesheim, W. Quint; Costa Rican Vaccine Trial Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés,A. HYPERLINK «http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Espinoza%20A»Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. Gonzalez, D. Guillén, R. Herrero, S.E. Jimenez, Morales, L.A. Morera,E. Pérez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodriguez, M. Villegas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, N. Macklin,A. Hildesheim, D.R. Lowy, M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, A. Garcia-Pineres, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn,C. Bougelet). 2013. A prospective study of absolute risk and determinants of human papillomavirus incidence among young women in Costa Rica.BMC Infect Dis. 13:308.
Contreras-Rojas, J. & R. Henriette. Mental health panel 2011, conclusions and future steps. Acta Méd. Costarricense 55: 132-138.
Dupuy, O.A., J.A. Bonilla, R. Murillo, P. Taylor, M.J. Abad, L. González & J. Juliao. 2013. Efecto in vitro de los terpenos lupeol y casearina G sobre células sanguíneas y tumorales. Med. Chile141: 1150-1157.
Garita, L.C., A.D. Tassi, R.F. Calegario, E.W. Kitajima, S.A.M. Carbonell & J. Freitas-Astúa. Common Bean: Experimental Indicator Plant for Citrus leprosis virus C and Some Other Cytoplasmic-Type Brevipalpus – Transmitted Viruses. Plant Dis. 97: 1346-1351.
Gonzalez, S.D., C. Xu, M. Ramirez, J. Zavala, R. Armas, S.A. Contreras, J. Contreras, A. Dassori, R.J Leach, D. Flores, A. Jerez, H. Raventós, A. Ontiveros, H. Nicolini & M. Escamilla. Suggestive evidence for association between L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (CACNA1C) gene haplotypes and bipolar disorder in Latinos: a family-based association study. Bipolar Disord. 15: 206-214.
Gonzalez, S.D., C. Xu, M.E. Ramirez, J.M. Zavala, R. Armas, S.A. Contreras, J. Contreras, A. Dassori, R.J. Leach, D. Flores, A. Jerez, H. Raventós, A. Ontiveros, H. Nicolini & M. Escamilla. Family-based association of an ANK3 haplotype with bipolar disorder in Latino populations. Transl Psychiatry 3.5: e265.
Herrero, R., W. Quint, A. Hildesheim, P. Gonzalez, L. Struijk, H.A. Katki, C. Porras, M. Schiffman, A.C. Rodriguez, D. Solomon, S. Jimenez, J.T. Schiller, D.R. Lowy, L.J. Van Doorn, S. Wacholder, A.R. Kreimer; CVT Vaccine Group (R. Herrero , M. Alfaro , M. Bratti , B. Cortés , A. Espinoza , Y. Estrada , P. González , D. Guillén , S.E. Jiménez , J. Morales , L. Villegas ,L.A. Morera , C. Porras , A.C. Rodríguez , A. Hildesheim, A.R. Kreimer , D.R. Lowy , N. Macklin , M. Schiffman , J.T. Schiller , M. Sherman ,D. Solomon , S. Wacholder , E. Freer , J .Bonilla , A. García-Piñeres , S. Silva , I. Atmella , M. Ramirez , L. Pinto , T. Kemp , M. Hutchinson ,M. Sidawy , W. Quint , L.J. van Doorn , L. Struijk ). Reduced prevalence of oral human papillomavirus (HPV) 4 years after bivalent HPV vaccination in a randomized clinical trial in Costa Rica.PLoS One 8:e68329.
Lang Kuhs, K.A., P. Gonzalez, L. Struijk, F. Castro, A. Hildesheim, L.J. van Doorn, A.C. Rodriguez, M. Schiffman, W. Quint, D.R. Lowy, C. Porras, C. Delvecchio, H.A. Katki, S. Jimenez, M. Safaeian, J. Schiller, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, R. Herrero, A.R. Kreimer; Costa Rica Vaccine Trial Group (R. Herrero , M. Alfaro , M.C. Bratti , B. Cortés , A. Espinoza , Y. Estrada , D. Guillén , S.E. Jiménez , J. Morales , L. Villegas , L.A. Morera, Porras , A.C. Rodríguez , A. Hildesheim , A.R. Kreimer ,D.R. Lowy , N. Macklin, M. Schiffman , J.T. Schiller , M. Sherman , D. Solomon ,S. Wacholder , E. Freer , J. Bonilla ,A. García-Piñeres , S. Silva ,I. Atmella , M. Ramírez , L. Pinto , T. Kemp , C. Eklund , M. Hutchinson ,M. Sidawy , W. Quint , L.J. van Doorn , L. Struijk .) 2013. Prevalence of and risk factors for oral human papillomavirus among young women in Costa Rica.J Infect Dis. 208:1643-52.
Lin, S.W., A. Ghosh, C. Porras, S.C. Markt, A.C. Rodriguez, M. Schiffman, S. Wacholder, T.J. Kemp, L.A. Pinto, P. Gonzalez, N. Wentzensen, M.T. Esser, K. Matys, A. Meuree, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn, R. Herrero, A. Hildesheim, M. Safaeian; Costa Rican Vaccine Trial Group. (M. Alfaro , M. Barrantes , M. Bratti ,F. Cárdenas , B. Cortés , A. Espinoza, Estrada , P. Gonzalez , D. Guillén , R. Herrero , S.E. Jimenez ,J. Morales , L.A. Morera , E. Pérez , C. Porras , A.C. Rodriguez , M. Villegas , E. Freer , J. Bonilla , S. Silva , I. Atmella , M. Ramírez , N. Macklin , A. Hildesheim , D.R. Lowy , M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller , M. Sherman , D. Solomon , S. Wacholder , L. Pinto , A. Garcia-Pineres , C. Eklund , M. Hutchinson, W. Quint , L.J. van Doorn , C. Bougelet). 2013. HPV16 seropositivity and subsequent HPV16 infection risk in a naturally infected population: comparison of serological assays.PLoS One 8:e53067
Mora, M. & E. Castillo. 2013. Hacia la comprensión del biodeterioro del patrimonio arqueológico de piedra natural costarricense: un aporte a su conservación y restauración, p. 271-279. In Aguilar Bonilla, M. & O. Niglio (eds.). 2013. La conservación del patrimonio cultural en Costa Rica. ARACNE EDITRICE S.R.L. Roma, Italia. ISBN 978-88-548-5880-0
Mora-Umaña, F., N. Barboza, R. Alvarado, M. Vásquez, G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman & P. Ramírez. Virulence and molecular characterization of Costa Rican isolates of Rhizoctonia solani from common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. Trop. Plant Pathol. 38: 461-471.
Nieto-Nafría, J.M., N. Pérez-Hidalgo, D. Martínez-Torres, W. Villalobos Muller. A new aphid genus and species (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Macrosiphini) living on ferns in Costa Rica and Mexico. Can. Entomol. 145: 509-520
Pérez-Hidalgo, N. & W. Villalobos. 2013 Primera cita de la filoxera de la vid, Daktulosphairavitifoliae (Fitch) (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) en Costa Rica. Bol. SEA 53: 335-336
Rodríguez, A.C., D. Solomon, R. Herrero, A. Hildesheim, P. González, S. Wacholder, C. Porras, S. Jiménez, M. Schiffman; CVT Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés, A. Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. González, D. Guillén, R. Herrero, S.E. Jiménez , J. Morales, L. Villegas, L.A. Morera, E. Pérez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodríguez, L. Rivas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, A. García-Piñeres, S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, A. Hildesheim, A.R. Kreimer, D.R. Lowy, N. Macklin, M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn. Impact of human papillomavirus vaccination on cervical cytology screening, colposcopy, and treatment. Am. J. Epidemiol. 178:752-60
Safaeian M, C. Porras, Y. Pan, A. Kreimer, JT. Schiller, P. Gonzalez, Lowy, S. Wacholder, M. Schiffman, AC. Rodriguez, R. Herrero, T. Kemp, G. Shelton, W. Quint, LJ. vanHYPERLINK «http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=van%20Doorn%20LJ%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=24189371» Doorn, A. Hildesheim, LA. Pinto; CVT Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, MC. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés, A. Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. González, D. Guillén, R. Herrero, SE. Jiménez, J. Morales, L. Villegas, LA. Morera, E. Pérez, C. Porras, AC. Rodríguez, L. Rivas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, A. García-Piñeres, S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, A. Hildesheim, H. Katki, AR. Kreimer, DR. Lowy, N. Macklin, M. Schiffman, JT. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, LJ. vanHYPERLINK «http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=van%20Doorn%20LJ» Doorn. 2013. Durable antibody responses following one dose of the bivalent human papillomavirus L1 virus-like particle vaccine in the Costa Rica Vaccine Trial. Cancer Prev. Res. (Phila) 6:1242-50.
Vargas-Asencio, J.A., E. Hernández, N. Barboza, R. Hammond, F. Mora, P. Ramírez. Detection of Tomato chlorosis virus and its vector Trialeurodes vaporariorum in greenhouse-grown tomato and sweet pepper in the Cartago province, Costa Rica. J. Plant Pathol. 95: 627-630
- Publicaciones 2012
- Publicaciones 2011
- Publicaciones 2010
Arias-Reverón, J., C. Calvo, N. Chaves, M. Granados, J. Rojas-Hernández, L. Uribe-Lorío, R. WingChing-Jones. 2012. Uso de Indicadores para determinar la sostenibilidad de tres proyectos productivos de universidades en Costa Rica. Cuadernos de Investigación de la UNED 4: 203-212.
Barboza, N., F.J. Albertazzi, J.A. Sibaja-Cordero, F. Mora-Umaña, C. Astorga & P. Ramírez. Analysis of genetic diversity of Cucurbita moschata (D.) germplasm accessions from Mesoamerica revealed by PCR SSCP and chloroplast sequence data. Sci. Hortic. 134: 60-71.
Barrantes-Rodríguez, X., S. Silva, G. Macaya & J.A. Bonilla. Detection of Borna Virus Disease by real-time RT-PCR in Costa Rican equines and humans. AC Microb 3:1-5
Castro, F.A., W. Quint, P. Gonzalez, H.A. Katki, R. Herrero, L.J. van Doorn, M. Schiffman , L. Struijk, A.C. Rodriguez, C. DelVecchio, D.R. Lowy, Porras C, Jimenez S,Schiller J, Solomon D, Wacholder S, Hildesheim A, Kreimer AR; Costa Rica Vaccine Trial Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés, A. Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. González, D. Guillén, R. Herrero, S.E. Jiménez, J. Morales, L. Villegas, L.A. Morera, E. Pérez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodríguez, L. Rivas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, A. García-Piñeres, S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, A. Hildesheim, A.R. Kreimer, D.R. Lowy, N. Macklin, M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn, L. Struijk, B. Blanco, R. Cerdas, A. Hernández, J.M. González, O. López, M. Sánchez, R. Thompson, J. Umaña, S.Y. Araya, H. Barquero, H. Campos, M. Grijalba, A.C. Monge, A. Peraza, D. Robles, F. Sáenz, D. Vargas, J. Vindas, P. Alvarez, D. Angulo, A.L. Arias, B. Barrantes, M. Bonilla, M. Calvo, L. Carvajal, J. Chinchilla, B. Cruz, M. Herrera, A. Interiano, F. Jiménez, E. Lagos, V. Loría, A. Messeguer, R. Ocampo, S. Padilla, A. Ramírez, L. Rivas, D. Romero, B. Romero, J. Ruiz, D. Ruiz, G. Saborío, S. Soto, M. Salas, A. Torrez, N. Ugalde, A.C. Ugalde, A. Vallejos, Y. Vázquez, M. Villegas, M. Alvarado, A.C. Arroyo, G. Barrientos, D. Díaz, M. Jara, M. Matarrita, M.E. Molina, E. Ordóñez, G. Sánchez, Z. Villegas, A. Castrillo, V. López, K. Coronado, R. Alfaro, C. Sánchez, L. Romero, C. Montero, C. Avila, E. Alpízar, S. Elizondo, J. Cyr, J. Buckland, L. Rich, D. Buckman, K.G. Morrisey, K. Midkiff, S. Truitt, S. Stoszek, M. Gomez, I. Trejos, C. Chorley, T. Moore, K. Shea, H. Siefers, G. Dubin, A. Schuind, F. Struyf, K. Lawrence, D. Fu, B. Innis, F. Dessy, C. Bougelet, S. Self, A. Benavides, L.D Calzada, R. Karron, R. Nayar, N. Roach, J. Cain, D. Davey, D. DeMets, F. Fuster, A. Gershon, E. Holly, S. Lara, H. Raventós, W. Rida, L. Rosero-Bixby, K. Suthers, S. Thomas, R. Viscidi, A. Westbroek, Y. Zomerdijk, J. Schussler, N. Macklin, M.T. Goodman, B. Hernandez, Y. Shvetsov). 2012. Prevalence of and risk factors for anal human papillomavirus infection among young healthy women in CostaRica. J. Infect. Dis. 206:1103-1110.
Contreras, J., E. Hare, M. Escamilla & H. Raventos.2012. Principal domains of quantitative anxiety trait in subjects with lifetime history of mania. Affect. Disord. 136: e69-e75.
Espadaler, X., N. Pérez Hidalgo, W. Villalobos Muller. Ant-aphid relationships (Hym.: Formicidae; Hem.: Aphididae) in Costa Rica (Central America). Sociobiology 59: 959-970.
Esquivel, A., J. Abolafia, P. Hanson &A. Pinto. A new species of nematode, Sclerorhabditis neotropicalis sp.n. (Rhabditida), associated with Azteca ants in Cecropia obtusifolia. Nematropica 42: 163-169.
Hare, E., J. Contreras, H. Raventos, D. Flores, A. Jerez, H. Nicolini, A. Ontiveros, L. Almasy & M. Escamilla. Genetic structure of personality factors and bipolar disorder in families segregating bipolar disorder. J. Affect. Disord. 136:1027-1033.
Hernández, E.J., F. Mora-Umaña, F.J. Albertazzi, J.P. Karkashian & P. Ramírez. Comparative Analysis of Three Different Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Protocols for the Diagnosis of Geminiviruses in Squash (Cucurbita moschata). J. Phytopathol. 160:19-25.
Madrigal, L., L.C. Posthumously, M. Melendez – Obando, R. Villegas – Palma, R. Barrantes, H. Raventos, R. Pereira, D. Luiselli, D. Pettener & G. Barbujani. High mitochondrial mutation rates estimated from deep-rooting Costa Rican pedigrees. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 148: 327-33
Morales, A., S. Alvarado – Rojas, M. Calvo, J. Contreras & H. Raventós. 2012. Un acercamiento al contenido cultural de los delirios en pacientes esquizofrénicos de Costa Rica. Cuadernos de Antropología 22: 1-24.
Pacheco, A., H. Blanco & R. Mora. 2012. Modificación de olfatómetros de cuatro brazos para experimentación en broca del café, Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (Coleoptera; Scolytidae). Costarricense 36: 68-79.
Pérez Hidalgo, N., D. Martínez-Torres, J.M. Collantes-Alegre, W. Villalobos Muller & J.M. Nieto Nafría. A new species of Rhopalosiphum (Hemiptera, Aphididae) on Chusquea tomentosa (Poaceae, Bambusoideae) from Costa Rica. ZooKeys 166: 59-73.
Sulbaran, Y., J. Bonilla, G. Gutierrez, J.M. Pernalete & F.H. Pujol. Low prevalence of hepatitis A virus infection among autochthonous populations of New World non-human primates. J. Med. Primatol. 41: 71-73.
Zamora Mejías, D., N. Pérez Hidalgo, W. Villalobos, P. Hanson. New relationships aphid-plant (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Costa Rica, including three new species reports. Graellsia 68: 305-312
Castrí,L., L. Madrigal, M. Melendez-Obando, R. Villegas-Palma, R. Barrantes, H. Raventos & R. Pereira, D. Luiselli & D. Pettener. Mitochondrial polymorphisms associated with differential longevity do not impact lifetime-reproductive success. Am J Hum Biol. 23:225-227
Chaturvedi, A.K., H.A. Katki, A. Hildesheim, A.C. Rodríguez, W. Quint, M. Schiffman, L.J. Van Doorn, C. Porras, S. Wacholder, P. Gonzalez, M.E. Sherman, R. Herrero; CVT Group.( M. Alfaro , M. Barrantes , M.C. Bratti , F. Cárdenas , B. Cortés , A. Espinoza , Y. Estrada , P. Gonzalez , D. Guillén , R. Herrero , S.E. Jimenez , J. Morales , L.A. Morera , E. Pérez , C. Porras , A.C. Rodriguez , M. Villegas , E. Freer , J. Bonilla , S. Silva , I. Atmella , M. Ramírez , A. Hildesheim, D.R. Lowy , N. Macklin , M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller , M. Sherman , D. Solomon , S. Wacholder , L. Pinto , A. Garcia-Pineres , C. Eklund , M. Hutchinson , W. Quint , L.J. van Doorn .). Human papillomavirus infection with multiple types: pattern of coinfection and risk of cervical disease. J. Infect. Dis. 203: 910-920.
Coseo, S.E., C. Porras, L.E. Dodd, A. Hildesheim, A.C. Rodriguez, M. Schiffman, R. Herrero, S. Wacholder, P. Gonzalez, M.E. Sherman, S. Jimenez, D. Solomon, C. Bougelet, L.J. van Doorn, W. Quint, M. Safaeian; Costa Rica HPV Vaccine Trial (CVT) Group. (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M.C. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés, A. Espinoza, P. González, D. Guillén, R. Herrero, S.E. Jiménez, J. Morales, L.A. Morera, E. Pérez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodríguez, L. Rivas, L. Villegas, I. Atmella, J. Bonilla, E. Freer, A. García-Piñeres, M. Ramírez , S. Silva , A. Hildesheim, A. Kreimer , D.R. Lowy, N. Macklin, M. Schiffman, D. Solomon , S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp Eklund , M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn). 2011. Evaluation of the polyclonal ELISA HPV serology assay as a biomarker for human papillomavirus exposure. Sex Transm. Dis. 38: 976-982
Greenwood, T.A., M.S. Beeri, J. Schmeidler, D. Valerio, H. Raventós, L. Mora-Villalobos, K. Camacho, J.R. Carrión-Baralt, G. Angelo, L. Almasy, M. Sano & J.M. Silverman. Heritability of Cognitive Functions in Families of Successful Cognitive Aging Probands from the Central Valley of Costa Rica. J. Alzheimers Dis. 27: 897-907
Guevara-Coto, J.A., N. Barboza-Vargas, E. Hernández-Jiménez, R. W. Hammond & P. Ramírez-Fonseca. Bemisia tabaci Biotype Q is present in Costa Rica.Eur. J. Plant Pathol.131: 167-170.
Herrero, R., S. Wacholder, A.C. Rodríguez, D. Solomon, P. González, A.R. Kreimer, C. Porras, J. Schussler, S. Jiménez, M.E. Sherman, W. Quint, J.T. Schiller, D.R. Lowy, M. Schiffman, A. Hildesheim&Costa Rica Vaccine Trial Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés, A. Espinoza, P. González, D. Guillén, R. Herrero, S.E. Jiménez, J. Morales, L.A. Morera, E. Pérez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodríguez, L. Rivas, L. Villegas, I. Atmella, J. Bonilla, E. Freer, A. García-Piñeres, M. Ramírez, S. Silva, A. Hildesheim, A.R. Kreimer, D.R. Lowy, N. Macklin, M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn). 2011. Prevention of persistent human papillomavirus infection by an HPV16/18 vaccine: a community-based randomized clinical trial in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Cancer Discov. 1:408-419.
Karkashian, J., E.D. Ramos-Reynoso, D. Maxwell, P. Ramírez. 2011. Begomoviruses associated with Bean golden mosaic disease in Nicaragua. Plant Dis. 95: 901-906.
Kreimer, A.R., P. González, H.A. Katki, C. Porras, M. Schiffman, A.C. Rodriguez, D. Solomon, S. Jiménez, J.T. Schiller, D.R. Lowy, L.J. van Doorn, L. Struijk, W. Quint, S. Chen, S. Wacholder, A. Hildesheim, R. Herrero; CVT Vaccine Group (M. Alfaro , M. Barrantes , M.C. Bratti , F. Cárdenas , B. Cortés , A. Espinoza , Y. Estrada, P. González , D. Guillén , R. Herrero , S.E. Jiménez, J. Morales, L. Villegas, L.A. Morera, Pérez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodríguez, L. Rivas,E. Freer, J. Bonilla, A. García-Piñeres, S. Silva ,I. Atmella ,M. Ramírez , A. Hildesheim , A.R. Kreimer, D.R. Lowy, N. Macklin , M. Schiffman , J.T. Schiller , M. Sherman , D. Solomon, S. Wacholder , L. Pinto , T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn). 2011. Efficacy of a bivalent HPV 16/18 vaccine against anal HPV 16/18 infection among young women: a nested analysis within the Costa Rica Vaccine Trial. Lancet Oncol. 12: 862-70. Erratum in: Lancet Oncol. 12: 1096
Kreimer, A.R., A.C. Rodriguez, A. Hildesheim, R. Herrero, C. Porras, M. Schiffman, P. González, D. Solomon, S. Jiménez, J.T. Schiller, D.R. Lowy, W. Quint, M.E. Sherman, J. Schussler, S. Wacholder; CVT Vaccine Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M.C. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés, A. Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. González, D. Guillén,R. Herrrero, S.E. Jiménez, J. Morales, L. Villegas , L.A. Morera , E. Pérez , C. Porras , A. Rodríguez, L. Rivas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, A. García-Piñeres,S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, A. Hildesheim, A.R. Kreimer, D.R. Lowy, N. Macklin, M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto, T. Kemp, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, M. Sidawy, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn). 2011. Proof-of-principle evaluation of the efficacy of fewer than three doses of a bivalent HPV16/18 vaccine. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 103: 1444-1451.
Lee, I.M., K.D. Bottner-Parker, Y. Zhao, W. Villalobos & L. Moreira. 2011. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma costaricanum’ a new phytoplasma associated with a newly emerging disease in soybean in Costa Rica. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 61: 2822-2826
Moreira, L. & A.M. Pérez. Producción mundial y usos del higo, p.7-15. In Flores D. et al. 2011. El cultivo del higo (Ficus carica) en Costa Rica. EUNED. 152p. ISBN 978-9968-31-883-9
Moreira, L. 2011. Historia del cultivo del higo. p3-6. In Flores D. et al. 2011. El cultivo del higo (Ficus carica) en Costa Rica. EUNED. 152p. ISBN 978-9968-31-883-9
Moreira, L., F.J. Albertazzi, L. Garita, B.Ortiz & W. Villalobos. First report of Citrus variegation virus in Palestine Sweet Lime, as Coffee Shade in Costa Rica. Proccedings, 18th Conference, IOCV – 2011 (http://iocv.org/proceedings/eighteen/p18.html
Moreira, L., W. Villalobos & R. Buro. 2011. Enfermedades virales de la higuera, p.103-114. In Flores D. et al. 2011. El cultivo del higo (Ficus carica) en Costa Rica. EUNED. 152p. ISBN 978-9968-31-883-9
Pinto-Tomás, A.A., A. Sittenfeld, L. Uribe-Lorío, F. Chavarría, M. Mora, D.H. Janzen, R.M. Goodman & H.M. Simon. Comparison of midgut bacterial diversity in tropical caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) fed on different diets. Environ. Entomol. 40: 1111-1122.
Rodríguez, A.C., A.J. García-Piñeres, A. Hildesheim, R. Herrero, M. Trivett, M. Williams, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, M. Villegas, M. Schiffman, R. Burk, E. Freer, J. Bonilla, C. Bratti & L.A. Pinto. Alterations of T-cell surface markers in older women with persistent human papillomavirus infection. Int. J. Cancer 128:597-607
Rojas-González, G. & S. Silva de la Fuente. 2011. Técnica sencilla para determinar la presencia de genotipos virales y bacterianos en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal. Cient. Odontológica 7: 75-79.
Sánchez, A., J. González, A. García-Piñeres & M.L. Montero. Nano-hydroxyapatite colloid suspension coated on chemically modified porous silicon by cathodic bias: a suitable surface for cell culture. Physica status solidi (c) 8: 1898-1902.
Solórzano-Morales, A., N. Barboza, E. Hernández, F. Mora-Umaña, P. Ramírez & R.W. Hammond. Newly discovered natural hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Costa Rica. Plant Dis. 95: 497-497.
Valerio, C., H. Raventós, N. Araya, A. Vega & A. Marazzi. «Fecundación in Vitro (FIV) en Costa Rica y en Argentina» in “Jurisprudencia Argentina sobre Derechos personalísimos y VIH/sida en el nuevo decenio”. Patricia SOROKIN (coord.). Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires, 2011-I, pp. 47-51. (ISBN: 978-950-20-2153-9)
Villalobos, H. M. & F.J. Albertazzi. 2011. Caracterización genética del higo, 49-55. In Flores D. et al. 2011. El cultivo del higo (Ficus carica) en Costa Rica. EUNED. 152p. ISBN 978-9968-31-883-9
Villalobos, H. M. & F.J. Albertazzi. 2011. Variedades del higo, p.21-23. In Flores D. et al. 2011. El cultivo del higo (Ficus carica) en Costa Rica. EUNED. 152p. ISBN 978-9968-31-883-9
Villalobos, W., M. Martini, L. Garita, M. Muñoz, R. Osler & L. Moreira. Guazuma ulmifolia (Sterculiaceae), a new natural host of 16SrXV phytoplasma in Costa Rica. Trop. Plant Pathol. 36: 122-127
Baig, M.R., E. Navaira, M.A. Escamilla, H. Raventos & C.Walss-Bass. 2010. Clozapine treatment causes oxidation of proteins involved in energy metabolism in lymphoblastoid cells: a possible mechanism for antipsychotic- induced metabolic alterations. Psychiatr. Pract. 16:325-33
Contreras, J., E. Hare, A. Pacheco, M. Escamilla & H. Raventos. Is subclinical anxiety an endophenotype for bipolar I patients? A study from a Costa Rican sample. J. Affect. Disord. 122:267-72.
Contreras, J., S. Hernández, P. Quezada, A. Dassori, C. Walss-Bass, M. Escamilla & H. Raventos. Association of serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) with depression in Costa Rican schizophrenic patients. J. Neurogenet. 24:83-9.
Coseo, S., C. Porras, A. Hildesheim, A.C. Rodriguez, M. Schiffman, R. Herrero, S. Wacholder, P. Gonzalez, S.S. Wang, M.E. Sherman, S. Jimenez, D. Solomon, C. Bougelet, L.J. van Doorn, W. Quint, M. Safaeian; Costa Rica HPV Vaccine Trial (CVT) Group (M. Alfaro, M. Barrantes, M.C. Bratti, F. Cárdenas, B. Cortés, A. Espinoza, Y. Estrada, P. Gonzalez, D. Guillén, R. Herrero , S.E. Jimenez, J. Morales, A. Morera, E. Pérez, C. Porras, A.C. Rodriguez, M. Villegas, E. Freer, J. Bonilla , S. Silva, I. Atmella, M. Ramírez, N. Macklin, A. Hildesheim, D.R. Lowy, M. Schiffman, J.T. Schiller, M. Sherman, D. Solomon, S. Wacholder, L. Pinto , A. Garcia-Pineres, C. Eklund, M. Hutchinson, W. Quint, L.J. van Doorn, C. Bougelet.). 2010. Seroprevalence and correlates of human papillomavirus 16/18 seropositivity among young women in Costa Rica. Sex Transm. Dis. 37: 706-714.
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